Saturday, April 18, 2009

Early in The Morning

I just finished work and got back home. Along the journey, i spill my mango frap Juice in my car that is for my brother. took me half an hour to clean. By the time i got out from shower is already close to 3am. SIGH. i am tired.

Sometimes i might talk slightly louder or over but i dont mean anything and just hoping the best for you. End up, u always get the wrong msg. Partly is my fault. just wanted to call u and talk to u when i am back but i guess u are sleeping soundly already since 10pm. hope that u will msg me ASAP when u wake up. Goondnites & I LOVE YOU ~

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Things changed

wooooo... there is so many things benn happening sec by sec. just not able to bring everything here. there are more sad stuff than happy moments. basically i will just start with stories with photo taken. ahha.. so i celebrated my birthday.. around 35 of them came including my family and friends. I am happy and glad not by recieving their presents but they willing to come even some of them i inform them kinda last minute and they make effort to come and prepared my party at the same. haha. Proudly thanks to Sean Ooi & Sek onn and my baby for preparing drinks, cake and many more. allowing me to have some time to tidy myself up on that day itself. just allow me to show u guys who had celebrated with me =].

she look so adorable in this photo. aha. but i bet u wont want to know how does she make these bubbles.LOL

dID not realize help College's basketball has a nice view during wei li' birthday.

To be continue soon~