Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Introducing to Myvi family

LOL haha. just too boring and really feel like blogging anyway. so yea.. At first i am only one that driving WHITE myvi. After that sean driving it too, a BLACK one. After that, i heard that hong keat got a Green myvi. >> Kimberly has one too, WHITE >> sooner nicole and eli has a RED myvi too. -.- then rui qi has a silver one. basically between my frens, we have all types of myvi. any colour are available. Even now my friend ( KEVIN ) driving a WHITE myvi too. so yea.. myvi club. haha there are few pictures of our car.

Lets start with my car first. haha. so yea, this is the front view of my car. =]

The 2nd pic is the rear view and the 3rd one is the directly front of view of my car.

So yea saw the black and red myvi? sean = black, nicole = red. the yellow one!?$ ohh, Nicholas just got there to look for some FIGHT...

This is a closer view of his car. Watch him. known as PUSS car. haha. easy to identify = the left side mirror is black in colour and follow by a P sticker. haha. Welcome to throw anything on his car. =D I'm just proud to be a myvi owner. no regrets. =]

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